But I don't wanna go back to being THAT someone anymore .
I saw Joanne's status on FB - would you like YOU if you met YOU ?
simply asking if you would've liked yourself IF you happen to meet yourself .
It seriously got me thinking , I don't think I would ?
Infact I hate myself sometimes . For .. alot of reasons . :)
I thank my friends for putting up with me and being there through all the ups and downs with me despite me being really shitty sometimes .
So , I'm trying hard , not to say anything that's not worth saying or would hurt anyone , saying it . It's gonna be difficult , but I'd try anyway . =)
I wanna grow up , with time , and learn to speak words of Love , instead of Hate .
But I still can't help if I hate you or just dislike you , so I'm just gonna leave it like that . I don't wanna force myself liking you . THAT's REALLY HARD .
I'll try my best to accept those , in future , whom I'm gonna meet and dislike . That's the best I can do . For those whom I've already disliked .. no luck .